Do you have trouble getting off to sleep? Or do you wake up in the early hours of the morning and can’t get back to sleep again? Here are some suggestions for a better night’s sleep:
Stress: Find ways to reduce your daily stress levels as this can disrupt your sleep. What adjustments do you need to make in your work and personal life?
Caffeine: Avoid stimulants such as caffeine for at least six hours before you go to bed. It can be tempting to cover tiredness during the day with increased caffeine consumption, but this creates a negative cycle. Also, caffeine increases alertness so you struggle to get quality sleep.
Napping: Avoid taking a nap during the day. This can often signify that you aren’t getting enough sleep at night. If you must take a nap, make sure it is for no longer than an hour.
Avoid Technology: Think of your bedroom as the designated sleeping place. So, don’t watch TV or use your computer or mobile phone in the bedroom.
Routine: Get into a routine, where possible, of going to bed at the same time and getting up at the same time, even at weekends. This will allow your internal body clock (or circadian rhythm) to set itself correctly. Develop a routine before going to bed such as meditating, taking a bath or listening to a relaxation CD.
Exercise: Regular exercise can assist with the quality of your sleep, but avoid any heavy exercise routines for at least three hours before you go to bed.
Eating and drinking: Avoid eating a large meal before bedtime, but instead have a light snack. A full stomach and an empty stomach can disrupt your sleep. Some people assume that consuming alcohol before bed helps with sleep quality, and indeed it can help induce it, but there is some evidence to suggest it disrupts sleep in the latter stages of the sleep cycle. Furthermore, regular alcohol consumption can also lead to a depressed mood.
Bed Placement: There is some anecdotal evidence which suggests the position of your bed in the room is important for sleep quality. Find which placement is right for you, for example sleeping east to west or north to south.
Temperature and Sound: Some people prefer silence when they try to sleep, whereas others prefer a calming noise such as the sound of rain falling or other white noise. Do you sleep better with a window open or closed? So, what temperature is best for you?
Mattress: Do you prefer a soft or firm mattress? Which is better for your sleep quality?
Winding Down: When you get into bed practice deep breathing and a body scan. For more on anxiety management click here.
If you can’t get off to sleep after about 20 minutes, or you wake up in the early hours and can’t get back to sleep, leave the bedroom and try meditating, reading a paperback or magazine. Return to bed when you start to yawn and try deep breathing and a body scan again. Pleasant dreams!
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About The Author

Steven Lucas MBACP MNCS (Prof Accred) is a professional counselling psychotherapist working in Northamptonshire. Read Full Bio.
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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor so this guide should not be considered a replacement for seeking medical advice. It is also not a substitute for obtaining therapy as other factors, such as trauma, need to be considered. There are pay per click ads on this site for which I may receive a small commission. This helps to pay for the running of the site. I do not endorse any of the products advertised.